

Blue Buddha owner KFellman

“You are allowed to be both a work in progress and a Masterpiece at the same time.”

At first I wasn’t going to add anything to this and just let the quote speak for itself but…
I took this selfie after catching a glimpse of myself while walking out of the yoga room after class.

No filter, perhaps a little tired, messy hair, carrying way too much stuff….
I stopped and looked…and then looked again at the woman I have become.

I thought to myself that yes I am allowed to be both God’s masterpiece and still a work in progress at the same time.
But if I truly believe I am His masterpiece there is no more work to be done.

I feel like I have my $hit together most of the time and yet sometimes feel I have no idea what I’m doing here.

I think most of the time I have it all figured out and then I’m reminded that I actually I don’t.

The thing is, is that I have been very happy being a work in progress.
and I think we’re all conditioned to believe that the work never ends.

How long does it take before we truly realize we are already perfection in this moment?

I’ll let you in on a little secret.
It didn’t happen for me
when I was in my 20’s as I strived to be the best mom, best sister, best daughter, best wife, best friend, to be fitter, stronger, smarter, wealthier, happier…
In fact I’m pretty sure I fell way short in all those areas.

And it didn’t happen while walking the earth for 40 more years, navigating through the highs and lows, losing people I loved and everything in between.

I got the message loud and clear in 2020 that all the striving for more and better were just distractions from the truth…

The truth is that we have always been loved, we have always been worthy and we have always been held.

We don’t have to wait until we are on our deathbed and watch it all flash by to finally realize…that crap, we were perfect all along, we were loved all along yet we wasted so much precious time waiting for the work to be done so we could finally justify loving ourself.

We are God’s masterpiece…perfection…stop the striving, relax into being…and really enjoy how amazing you already are as you love this one precious life right now…

Karin xx