Thank you Yelp’s for choosing us for your 1st ever America’s Top 150 Mom and Pop businesses in the US! We are humbled and grateful for this honor. Thank you to our yoga commUnity, Espresso family and local art lovers for you support!
We all love hot yoga for its many benefits from weight loss, regulating your nervous system, boosting your immune response naturally and much more. But how hot is too hot? With over twenty years of experience in the Hot Yoga Industry we know that all that is necessary to receive the benefits of the practice is to break a sweat and keep it going. This is why we set our room at the lowest possible temperature to facilitate just that.
We designed the Blue with Therapeutic InfraRed Radiant. Heat. It is an upgraded, safe and enjoyable hot yoga experience.
Our Hot room is set at a comfortable 102* with 25% Humidity, remotely controlled eliminating the possibility of erratic and extremely high temps. It is the perfect balance of heat and humidity- You won’t find “hot or cold’ spots in our InfraRed room- Infrared panels heat objects, not the room itself, making every spot ideal.
You’ll notice the InfraRed difference right away. Superior sweat without getting red-faced, or feeling overwhelmed by extreme oppressive heat. InfraRed heat is balanced and comforting -similar to the InfraRed used in incubators for babies.
“You did it again and this time it’s even better.”
Caught a glimpse of myself in the new mirror on my way out tonight…The studio was quiet, the lights were off and the green hue of the exit sign filled the space. Of course I snapped a quick photo and continued out the door. I forgot about it until just before bed.
Looking at the photo I thought, “Oh there she is, her smile says it all…it has been quite the road back home.” She reminded me how powerful faith is. It is easy to have it when life is going your way…it takes a little more effort, when it’s not.
One of my favorite parts of being at Blue Buddha is our amazing community. Everyone has gone through or is going through an awakening of sorts and we are all helping each other through.
Faith is believing in something that is unseen. I had no idea where I was being guided to back then… but knew with my whole heart that I had to go. I let go of it all…work, people, possessions…all of it. And when I was done, all that was left …was my faith. I knew something better was on the way, (I had to believe it- that is faith!) God didn’t take me this far to leave me and that my life was unfolding perfectly and divinely. Like the saying goes, “It wasn’t easy but looking back it was totally worth it.”
It’s great to be back doing what I love and to be surrounded by a conscious community of people who are doing what they love too. Some days I still get blown away by all my blessings and other days I know it is my faith that sustains me. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I give God all the glory! Thank you Jesus for emptying me out to fill me back up and for showing me how to truly live from my heart. Thank you for my buddhaful family, for my friends and for Blue Buddha.
Conscious Breathwork & Body Cello: Join Porter Singer and Diane Khalsa Saturday March 1st for this amazing once in a lifetime experience! Porter Singer (aka …